Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reason for My M I A

Sorry I have been M I A, for the last week or so. Life has been a bit crazy, and there is a lot of stuff just going on with me lately, and I haven't been home much to blog, but I shall surely get back to it Lord willing on Monday, blogging a little more regularly!! My boyfriend has come to town these last couple weeks, and the Lord has blessed our time together, and so I haven't been near the computer nearly as often, so hence the lack of posts. We have had a wonderful time together, which I will be sure to blog about in the near future, and I am thankful to be with him as much as we can, because Lord willing, He will be flying out Saturday and return to his post. So I am grateful for our time together, yet also for the time apart, even though to be honest, its very difficult, I continue to remember the Lord has us in different places at least at this time, for a reason, and we need best to glorify Him where he has put us, and focus on glorifying Him where he places us. And know Him deeper and love HIM deeper in the meantime!!

So I shall just leave you with a few verses that I have been meditating on today.....

"Those who are in Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires........You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your Spirit, which are God's.'

"God forbid that I should glory EXCEPT IN THE CROSS OF OUT LORD JESUS CHRIST, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world."


  1. Take my word for it...the long distance relationship thing (thought extremely sucky for the time being) will only make your relationship stronger! I looooove you and I looooove seeing you so happy! :]

  2. Thank you HEATHER!!!! This means a lot to me... You are the BEST. I love you!!!
