Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When Sinners Say "I Do"

This is the current book I am now reading for my personal time with the Lord, and it also happens
to be the marriage counseling book that Matt and I are doing before we tie the knot! I have dug deep into this book, there are so many underlined pages and stars next to so many paragraphs! This book is incredible, and I truly believe that going through this book before Matt and I get married will be so helpful when situations and problems arise in our marriage. And under the counsel of a young Godly married couple to give their advice will be so very helpful!

I am learning so much about me, and my role as Matt's wife, and whose life this really is; that our marriage is about reflecting and glorifying Christ. I need to remind myself and remember that when Matt has wronged me, or has done something that maybe I think I could never forgive him for; I need to remember the cross, and what Jesus has done for me there. His faithful forgiveness that He daily showers and gives to me, when I don't deserve it. Time and time again. Yet, after and continuing to forgive me Jesus STILL loves me so much, forgives me, and still will be faithful to me.

I am learning to love Matt everyday as Christ loves me. I continue to try to explain to people just how much I love Matt. I never can put into words just how much I love him, or how much he means to me. I love Matt beyond words, would do absolutely anything for that man. Then I think about this is how Christ is with me. He loves me even more than I love Matt, and even sent His only son to die for me, the sinner that I am, shows His love to me daily, forgives me, and shows mercy to me. Unbelievable.

Showing and extending mercy to Matt in everything. I want to not only apply these things from this book to Matt and our marriage, but to everyone that I come in contact with. I want to overflow with mercy for everyone, show great love to everyone -- love everyone with that love of Jesus. I want to be like Jesus, in my marriage, and in my everyday life. This has been my prayer for so long, and I will try to continue to pray this for me everyday of my life, until He returns for me.

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