Monday, April 23, 2012


I love being married, I really do. I love being married to my best friend, one that I tell everything too. Its so wonderful to see him everyday, go to bed with him every night, and just do the everyday life things with him. Like this weekend when I wanted to show him a park that I had been at earlier in the week with a friend, and it kind of turned out to be " Lets see how many restaurants we wanna eat at, and make sure we go to them all." It was actually really, really fun. It was such a BEAUTIFUL night here in Augusta Friday night. A perfect 78 degree night with clear skies. It was awesome.
   We have also had our fair shares of figuring each other out, our little quirks about each other and the way one of us maybe be messier then the other, the way each other does things, that may get on each others nerves. We have also had our times of apologies when necessary, which have always, thankfully, come pretty quickly. I think being apart so much throughout our getting to know each other stage, dating stage, and engagement made us realize how much we value each other and our times together.  Also, I think we communicate pretty well, although we are both still learning, because for so long thats all we could do, talk. on the phone. All the time. For hours.

     I am also learning that marriage is such a self-less thing. I am going through the book right now; "This Momentary Marriage." and its brought out so many good things, and I am learning what my role as a wife, needs to be. Our marriage is the example of Christ and the church. Loving, forgiving, grace, mercy. So many things that I want to apply to my marriage. I want to be self-less in my marriage. I wanna show grace to Matt even when it may be the most hard thing ever. I wanna forgive Matt for things when its most difficult. I wanna be Christ to Matt. I wanna be Christ in my marriage. I want Christ to be glorified with all that is in me, in everything that I do, say and speak too. I want truth of the word to always be spoken. To be an encouragement. To be a comfort, in my marriage, and in my life.

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