Monday, April 11, 2011

Lessons From A Beauty, First Lady, A Harlot, and A daughter-in-law

I see that its been awhile since I have blogged. Life lately I feel just keeps getting crazier with stuff the kids need (which is when I usually blog-when they are napping), Salon overtime, youth group, friends, and trying to relax. Overall, life is going superb, I have nothing to complain about, the Lord is good, and has blessed me more abundantly than I could ever ask for, or deserve. I am daily growing and seeing sin for what it is, Daily seeking repentance, and seeing my need for Christ more and more, and seeing what an amazing God that we have, and for that alone, I have nothing to complain about.

But I thought I would update you on what I am reading through during my personal time. I have read this book before, a few years ago when I was at Bible School, and decided to pick it up again and read it. I remember enjoying it, and learning a lot then, and figured I could learn new or more things from these women. It is the book called 12 Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. I also hope on planning to read 12 Ordinary Men by John MacArthur as well, after I am done with this one. I am on chapter 4 already and learned and looked at the life of Ruth. I have never studied the book of Ruth so much, but since January I think I have looked at it at least 10+ times. We looked and learned from it at Fort on the youth retreat, and then again at the woman's Bible study for my ABF class, and then now as I am going through this book. Through it all, I have seen just how Sovereign God is, and His plans and His timing are always for the best. Even in the midst of the worst, God is STILL working. I am continually thankful and grateful for this. I learn this more and more as I get older and grow more in Christ. I always think that my time is perfect for stuff, and when it doesn't happen and the Lord does it in His timing, I see how much better it is.

I have also looked at the lives of Eve, Sarah and Rahab. All such extraordinary women whom I can learn from. I won't go on and on, but just a few things are from Eve--living embodiment of humanity's glory, An excellent reminder of what woman's true priorities ought to be, a wonderful illustration of the goodness of God's grace and the perfect wisdom of His will...Sarah-A legendary beauty, desired to be a mother, FAITHFUL wife, EXCELLENT example of submission, Devoted wife, A sinner, A women who FEARED the Lord....And from Rahab...Life devoted to the profane pursuit of carnal self-gratification, a great example of faith, and the thing I took away most from the life of Rahab..She is a reminder that God by HIS grace can redeem the most horrible life.

I am so, so thankful for these women and the many ways I am challenged by them , and encouraged by them. I hope to live a life of submission to my future husband, be that faithful wife, and be a women who DAILY fears the Lord with all that I am. I thank the Lord often for these biblical examples for me to learn and grow from. I encourage you to read the life and stories of these women and hope you learn a lot from them as well.

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