Thursday, March 18, 2010


Lately I have been challenged in my personal devotions that I have been doing about how I spend and am using my money. I finished not to long ago the book The Treasure Principal by Randy Alcorn and that book was very challenging to me . I felt that the Lord has been really tugging at my heart on how I have been spending my money. I always feel like I need more stuff, which is not true, after all the Lord says to be content with what I have. I guess some of this worry is coming back to when I didn't have a stable job and didn't have much money and I worried about what I was gonna do when it all ran out, but looking back I see how incredibly faithful the Lord was (and always will be) for providing all these "little" jobs for me until I was able to go back to the golf course in the summer. Then in the current book that I am doing for my personal devos is one Called Surrender by Nancy Leigh De Moss and that got me. I asked the Lord to clearly reveal to me what area I need to "bow the knee" and say Yes Lord, and give up control, and once again finances came up again. Tonight at my women's Bible Study that which I love so much by the way and am always convicted and yet so encouraged by the women there, we talked about the story of the widow who gave ALL she had(Mark 12) We talked for awhile about money and how our world is just so caught up in it, and lives revolve around it, and how important it is to people. In the passage it says she gave ALL SHE HAD. It struck me. She had COMPLETE trust in the Lord that He will provide for her, and how often do I just think that I need to keep "just a little" in case. She gave her money to the work of the Lord. I have grown up in a family where money has always been tight, and taught to save save save (didn't do that well there, I love my shoes :) But the Lord has so generously blessed me with a great job, and soon for awhile I will be working 2 jobs, and have money, So what I am going to work on is giving more. Not things for MYSELF but for others. I do love to give gifts, I love to see peoples reactions and joy on their faces when they get gifts. It makes me smile. So through this week of the Lord revealing things to me more clearly, I need to give more to others and give back to God what is truly His, after all I can't take it with me when I die.


  1. This is always so helpful for me. Thanks for posting this, Nie nie. I want to give more too.
