Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord,my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14.

This was one of my verses that I was meditating on today from my personal time with the Lord . Little to my knowledge, that this verse I could practically put to use just a few short hours later while I was watching the kids today. I decided to walk with the younger two kids to the school today to pick up the oldest, I also took with me the neighbor kid who lives a few houses down, and the kids were rambunctious and not being very well behaved as we were walking back home- and at the exact moment that I wanted to shout at them, and my blood boiling, (in case you don't know when that bell rings it gets nut so with hundreds and at times to me feels like thousands of kids are running everywhere, parents are trying to get through, kids trying to get on buses and cars whizzing by, it gets a bit stressful when you are trying to keep track of a 3 year old and a 7 year old plus a neighbor kid, and pushing a stroller.) Anyways, as the Lord brought this verse to my mind, the part of the verse that says "The words of my mouth...." and being challenged also in my time with the Lord, my book was talking about being set apart from the world, not conforming to this world., I want these other parents who are picking up their children to see that I am different. I want them to see that Jesus lives in me. So rather than shouting and yelling at them, I was reminded of this verse, and wanted to correct them in a way that was pleasing to the Lord. Then as we got home, things didn't get easier as the the baby decided to shmeer yogurt all over the dog, her shirt, her hair, and herself, as I was trying to deal with the 3 year old. I wanted to scream, BUT I wanted the words of my mouth to be pleasing to Him. So calmly dealt with the situation and was very thankful that the Lord brought this verse to my mind, I feel like normally If I am not in His word on a daily basis, my reaction ( I know) my reaction would have been different. I need to be meditating on His word daily. It is HE who gives me strength.


  1. Hey Nieniers.... God is giving you great opportunity to impact those kids for His glory....not to mention the good experience you're gaining for "someday" down the road! =) Love to you!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement guys. means a lot.
