Sunday, May 23, 2010

Breakfast Talk

I wanted to share this now funny story (it wasn't so funny at the time) with you. I was making Owen his breakfast on Friday morning, just like any normal day that I have with them, and as I was making the egg over the stove, Owen stands next to me and looks at me funny, and just stares, and says," Nie- Nie, are you having a baby soon?" At first I wanted to throw the kid outside, but I did not. I said to him " no, why do ask that question Owen?" He then replies "Because your tummy is sticking out!!" Thank you Owen for making me more self conscience than I already am about my stomach.:) Oh that kid, he says the darn est things. Its I guess funny now, but I was a little offended at first, but I do understand that he is only 3. O children, they make me laugh.


  1. well at least you got asked by a far three of my patient's have asked me if "we're expecting". no, thank you. please excuse me while i go crawl into a hole and die.

  2. Good point. Thank you for the sympathy.
