Monday, May 31, 2010


So in just a couple of hours I will be 24. Its such a crazy thought to me. As I think back to when I was a teenager planning out my life, What I thought I would be doing by 24 is NOT at all what I am doing at 24. I thought by now I would have been married to one of the PLUSONE boy band members, or if I was lucky one of the members of NYSNC, or realistically, a REALLY hot model man, and we would have been now married for 2 years NOT living in Wisconsin, and possibly start having children any day now. This is OBVIOUSLY not what has happened. I am honestly okay with that. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I wish I was married, and having kids, but the Lord has done great things in me, and there is still so much for me to learn, I feel, before I am ready to be a wife. Its crazy to think back and see all that the Lord has done for me in my life, I am So So blessed, and I take so many things for granted. The Lord has taught me, showed me, revealed to me so many things that continue to break me, mold me, and shape me in the women that I need to be, I have so far to go, but I am glad that the Lord is faithful, and loves me so much, gives me the grace and forgiveness that I need and don't deserve. I live a very blessed life, I have a great parents, 2 amazing brothers, great friends, a great church, and an amazing job that I love. I have no complaints. I am excited for my year of being 24. I am excited to see what the Lord is gonna do in my life, and just do life as a single 24 year old women who loves to watch sad movies, hang out, and just be. I am ready to be 24. Bring it on.


  1. Happy birthday Nie-Nie! Excited to see what God will do in your life this next year...I will be praying for you.
