Monday, October 4, 2010

The Untamable

I was reading in James today, and also finishing up the last lesson in my study guide on self-control, and its focus was the untamable tongue. I taught this section of James to the students when I was at Ravencrest like 4 years ago. I requested this section in James I think because I know that this is where I struggle the most. I like to talk a lot (hmmmm, Imagine that huh?) and I find myself more times than I would like with my foot in my mouth, and maybe saying things that shouldn't be said or could be said more kindly.
I know that I don't have the gift of mercy, my mother reminds me of this constantly; another thing to add to my unending list of things that I need the Lord's help with, and shows that I am not perfect; nor will I ever be. I am a pretty blunt person, and sometimes that can get me into trouble, and usually its not very edifying...I was convicted of this today as I was studying this.
My goal is I am gonna try to work on what I say and how I say it. And I am also gonna try to be more encouraging to others and use my tongue for good things, and ultimately glorifying my Heavenly Father, because why? Thats what I am here for, to glorify Him. I am gonna try and not get caught up in the gossip that maybe going around me or negative words or things people may say, and use my tongue for good. Such as telling people how much I appreciate them, or love them.
We are studying James in our new ABF, or Sunday School class, and once again I am sure I will be convicted, but hopefully between now and when we get there, I can see some good that I have said to others, encouraged, or edified them. I have a long ways to go, But with my Saviors help, I think I can do it.

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