Wow. This last week or so has been so good for me, and so eye opening; as I go through this book. I feel like my eyes have been opened even more of just how bad sin really is. I have always known that sin was bad. But its awful. Its even more than awful, there isn't a word to describe just how bad is. Or maybe there are a few..Vile, ugly,odious,malignant,pestilent, pernicious, hideous, spiteful,poisonous, virulent, villainous, abominable, and deadly. Most of all I think what has struck me the most, is just how much I hurt God when I sin.
He is the most important "thing" in my life, and how many times a day do I disappoint Him with my sin?? I have been praying even before starting to read this book, that He'd show me my sin, and make me more aware of my sin. And He has. I am so grateful for His sacrifice of His Son on the cross for my sin, His ultimate forgiveness, and undeserved grace that He gives. I am looking forward to reading more of that later in the chapters in this book, but right now, the author just wants me/us to think about the seriousness of sin.
I was discussing recently with a friend- sin, and just how sin is sin no matter what way you look at. Just some sins seem so much bigger. Like how maybe me telling this lie is not as bad as that other person who has committed adultery. Thats not how the Lord sees it. Sin is Sin. I need Christ EVERYDAY. Just as much as the person who commits adultery does.
Another thing that struck me as I have been meditating and reading is how today in our day and age sin seems so watered down, and people don't think sin is as bad...Like how now days people no longer commit adultery, they have an affair. Corporate executives do not steal, they commit fraud. Somehow that doesn't sound as bad does it?? Hmmm. Just made me think a bit. Our sin is an assault on the majesty and sovereign rule of God.
As God is holy, all holy, only holy, altogether holy, and always holy, so sin is sinful, all sinful, only sinful, altogether sinful, and always sinful.....Whether it is large or small in our eyes, it is heinous in the sight of God. God forgives our sin because of the shed blood of Christ, but He does not tolerate it. Instead, every sin that we commit, even the subtle sin that we don't even think about, was laid upon Christ as He bore the curse of God in OUR place, And herein lies chiefly the malignancy of sin. Christ suffered because of our sin....(Jerry Bridges).
Thank you Father.
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