This past Monday our college age group went out and visited some shut-ins from church. My brother Pete was in charge and partnered us up, and told us where to go. Corrie and I had the great and honor and pleasure of visiting one of the dearest and sweetest ladies, Ruth. We were to meet with the shut-ins for about an hour and then all come back to my brother Dan's house to have a time of worship, prayer,and then just talk about what we learned from our experience visiting these older wiser saints.
I must admit to you, I had some selfish pride issues going on that I later repented of, asking the Lord to forgive me, because I really wasn't in the mood to do this, and had other more "important" things of my own stuff to do. I realized how selfish that was, and didn't realize how much I can and would learn from Ruth and later learn from others experiences with the other elders that they visited.
What a blessed time that Corrie and I had with Ruth. What an amazing godly women she is. I wanna be just like her. Ruth can't see really anymore, so its hard for her to read her Bible so she prays, everyday...all the time. She told us that every morning she prays for her neighbors, that they would finally understand the gospel, she prays for her children who are not saved, which just tares her apart, but she loves them tremendously. She prays for the church, she prays for her friends, the ones that have "not yet gone to their better home" as she would say. Ruth is such a strong lady. At 93 she still lives in her own home that she has owned for I think like 40+ years, still walks around, gets her own meals, and she is sharp as tack. I think she may have a better memory then me.
The thing that stuck out to me the most about Ruth is her humility. The way she spoke she is just so humble about everything, She is very non-judgmental about everybody she knows, She even was listening to this past Sundays sermon, When Pastor Spencer was talking about idols, and how sometimes fear and worry can become idols in our lives, and she said, that she was guilty of them at times herself. She went on and on about her family and telling us how old everyone is, and how much she loves them, but you could just see just how much she wants the to know and love the Lord as much as she does. She would quote Bible verses to us, when she would speak of a hard time in her life that she had gone through...Her husband died of a heart attack at 50 when they had been married for 21 years. She has now been a widow for like 40+ years. So crazy, Yet she loved that man so much, but has just looked to the Lord for her daily strength, and knows that the Lord is enough.
Others in our group had amazing experiences to...I think the overall take-away that we all got, was one simple truth. Trust God. Always and Forever. He will take care of it. Such a crazy simple truth yet, we just sometimes don't wanna do it. The people we saw were 85+ years old, and they were still trusting God for everything. They just can't do much anymore yet, they trust God. They can't remember pretty much anything anymore, but they ALL knew that having that relationship with Christ is the ONLY thing that matters in this world. Trusting and obeying Him.
My brother Dan visited Norma and Hillard, another amazing godly couple they have been married for 60+ years. Over 60 years, I don't even know what that's like. Hillard had a stroke and really can't remember anyone or anything anymore, But Norma sits by him everyday. All day. That is what marriage is. That only happens if you let Christ reign in your marriage. What a testimony for so many of us. She is gonna be by that bedside till he goes "to his better home". And you know what Norma does while she sits there? Listens to sermons and reads her Bible..Simply amazing. I could go on and on about the things we all learned, but I won't
So what I am taking away from all of this, is someday Lord willing at 93, I may still be humbled by the cross, trusting Him, no matter what the outcome or circumstance, Looking at the blessings God has given me everyday, and just always, always remember that nothing in this life is more important than my relationship with my Savior. Growing and Knowing Him.
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