Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life As I Know It

I thought I would give you an update on how my life has been over the last week or so, with doing both jobs. Things seem to be going quite well, better than I had anticipated. It helps a lot that I don't nanny 5 days a week, and only nanny 3-4 days a week, so that I can get the rest that I need, and run errands without children, and just get some things done. Friday was my first day doing both jobs, and I was extremely nervous about doing the receptionist job alone for the first time, It helps that its only a 3 hour shift on Fridays, and that there aren't many clients on Fridays, but things went well, and I even balanced my drawer to the penny on Friday, and it gave me the confidence that maybe I can do this job. It was quite exciting.
Then Tuesday, once again I did both jobs, and when about 5:00pm rolled around I felt like I hit a brick wall, I was so tired, I just wanted to leave- and then my drawer didn't balance out, so I got stressed about that, but the owner/my boss said, "No big deal, as long as you have it all written out,; We'll figure it out later!" Which was comforting, but I am the type of person who wants to get right all the time, and not have any problems, and make a good impression. I know that's unrealistic, and I hope with time it will all come together. I am enjoying the job though, It is a blessing.
I have been able to stick with a routine with the kids, and still have been able to keep up with my time with the Lord, which was my greatest concern;was still making Him the priority in my life-no matter how busy or crazy life gets. While Leah is napping, Owen is able to keep himself entertained for awhile while I read and journal. Its been a HUGE blessing. I am so grateful.
I ask you to continue to keep me in your prayers as I get adjusted to the receptionist role, I want to do my best, and know what I am doing quickly. Your prayers mean the world to me.

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