Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blessings in Unexpected Places.

I always knew that the Lord works in mysterious ways, and that He is faithful- it says in His word that He cares for us, knows our needs and loves us. He will not forget us. I have been clinging to these truths more recently in the last week or so, with all this crazy job stuff. As I was in the middle of my personal time with the Lord today, I was turning to passage, when this little note thingy dropped out of my Bible, Now just so you know, I am used to things dropping out of my Bible, I leave things in my Bible such as encouragement notes that people have written me, or special things that mean a lot to me that people have given me, But this was different, I had never seen this little thing before so I opened it. There was no note, no saying who it was from, Just money. I started to tear up as I looked at it. I was in complete shock. I had no idea. WOW. I am still in shock as I write this. I don't know who its from, or how much of a blessing this is for me, I do know that its someone who was at youth group last night, either a leader or a student, I KNOW it wasn't there yesterday afternoon. I kinda wish I knew who this is from so I could thank them, but obviously they didn't want me to know. So whoever you are if you are reading this,Thank you. You have been a huge blessing. May God Bless you abundantly. God works in mysterious ways doesn't He? Just wanted to share this story with you, and remind you that if you are going through something too, He is faithful, He knows what you need.

"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."Matthew 11:28.

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