Monday, April 19, 2010

Behold, I am coming Soon.

I have been studying the book of Revelation for my personal time with the Lord the last few weeks. I have never studied the book in depth before, Mostly because a lot of it is hard for me to understand, and still as I am going through it with the help of a John MacArthur study guide book, some of it I am still a bit confused on. Overall, I am thoroughly enjoying the study of this book. As I study the book, it just makes me more and more anxious for the Lord to come back. With all the events that are to take place which sound not to fun to me, I am just so ready for Him to come back. I used to not want Jesus to come back because I wanted a few things for MYSELF (notice the selfish thinking here) I wanted to married, know the names of my children, Go to a tropical island, see LA, Go on trips with the husband, you know the "normal" stuff of life I guess, but obviously over time I realized that Christ return will be so much greater than that, and to live a sinless life would be way more rad than going to lets say the Bahamas. Also studying through the book I find myself thanking and praising the Lord for His sovereignty, His control, and His power. Praise Him that He will return. I can't wait.

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