Monday, April 12, 2010

Me. Me. Me.

Last night I had a hard time getting to sleep and my brain was going 90 miles an hour thinking about the day and all the things that went on. It was a busy day with church-- a great and challenging message followed by Sunday School, Lunch with my mom's family for my grandpa's birthday, a much needed afternoon jog in the amazing weather, a few minutes with some friends down the block, and then an unexpected crazy night of nursery. (Normally on a Sunday night we have between 5-8 kids, last night we had 37), That got me flustered, Unexpected things like that make me a bit stressed, we were scrabbling for workers, and when I get flustered I laugh. I laughed a lot last night. It all of course turned out fine. Anyways, as I was laying in bed thinking about the conversations that I had that day; I felt like every conversation I had yesterday was about me. I kept saying to myself, "Stephanie, why do you talk about yourself all the time, you dumbo.." I felt like in my conversations in SS and with fellow church members, were about me and my life; my time with the family I felt like was about me--My short time with my friends I talked about--well--me. And once finally settled in the evening nursery, my conversations with Kate, my nursery buddy we talked She just got back from a trip, Why didn't I ask her about it??? Dumb. I have been feeling guilty about this, I asked the Lord to forgive me and now I am gonna try to NOT talk about myself as much anymore, unless some asks. I truly do want to hear other people, and not listen to myself, I want to pray for them and love them. My prayer this week and every week Is that I would listen and love, and shut up.


  1. Nieners, this was such a good reminder to me. Thanks for your "realness" and humility to be up front about what God is showing you!
    I remember a time - a while ago, and one that I need to revisit, when God showed me to battle this self-centeredness in conversation by preparing in advance questions that I could ask other - to draw them out.

    Sometimes our tendency to talk on about ourselves comes from a lack of heart preperation in how to draw others out. It's good to examine the possible root sins behind this, but sometimes it't simply no knowing what to say. I remember sitting with pen and paper and imagining being with different people - what could I ask them? Writing down questions that would be appropriate for expressing interest, care, and maybe even draw out oppotunities for me to encourage them!

    Love you Nie nie....

  2. Thanks Kelly I REALLY appreciate your kind words and advice. Means a lot. I thank Him for showing me this as well.
