Friday, April 30, 2010

Lessons from a 3 year old.

Today I had a fun day with the kids. The Lord blessed us with some amazing outdoor weather, it was great to be outside and soak up the sun, and breathe some fresh air. Owen really made me realize something today. It was pretty awesome. He is DEATHLY afraid of bugs and insects- especially bees, and today he saw quite a few of them and was extremely upset that they were buzzing around him. He came up to me and said, "Nie-Nie I am going to pray to God, to take the bees away." and off he went to the corner of the porch and sat down and prayed like I have never heard anyone pray before, he was praying so hard that God would take these bees away, and his hands were folded so tightly. It was the cutest thing. It got me thinking about how sincere Owen was about this prayer and he knew that this was a huge problem and knew immediately to take it to God in prayer. It got me to thinking how sincere are my prayers, Do I just flippantly throw prayers and not really mean them or think about them? Or do it cause I know I should or have to?? He was so earnest about this prayer. I want my prayers to be like that meaningful, focused, wholehearted, thankful. Thank you Owen for this little reminder. Happy Weekend Everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Faith like a child...the kingdom of heaven is made of this.
